B. inggris It was a Monday morning, just about 8:15. I was actually a little early for once and was glad I didn’t have to race to work. It was my second week as a bank teller at Harrison Savings and Loan. There had been some freezing rain earlier that morning, but the roads seemed clear as I pulled out of the driveway. I turned left at the light, right at the Dunkin Donuts, and then left again onto the onramp for Route 61. I sped up to merge with the oncoming rush-hour traffic when suddenly I felt my car, a brand new SUV, lose control. I’d hit a patch of ice. What happened next probably lasted no more than fifteen seconds, but it felt like hours. I spun around like a top, turning two full revolutions as I crossed the two southbound lanes. Then I hit the median strip and the car flipped over as it crossed into the northbound traffic. I skidded across the highway and the car stopped in the right-hand lane. There I was, upside-down and backwards, after it slipped sideways on the highway, and somehow I was alive. Somehow I hadn’t hit a single car. However, I had no time to appreciate that miracle, because when I looked out the shattered windshield, I saw an 18-wheeler was bearing down upon meat about 65 miles an hour. There was no time to get out of the car. (Adapted from: 501 Writing Prompts, 2003) After you read the text above, answer the following questions: a. What is the main idea of paragraph 1? b. What does the word ‘it’ in ‘What happened next probably lasted no more than fifteen seconds, but it felt like hours.’ (par. 2) refer to? c. What can you infer about the author’s car after it lost control from the word ‘skidded’ based on the information in paragraph 2? Explain the meaning of the word skidded. d. Continue the story based on the information in the text in less than 5 sentences. beaulahbeattyulv – June 04, 2023
PPKn Sebutkan kelompok ras yang ada di Indonesia dan Sebutkan pula contoh anggotanyajawab satu kali lagi beaulahbeattyulv – June 04, 2023
B. Indonesia apakah jual beli online, termasuk negosiasi?iya/tidak jelaskan alasannya beaulahbeattyulv – June 04, 2023
B. Indonesia 1.mengapa manusia dikatakan sebagai makhluk sosial2.Bagaimana cara kita menghormati orang tua3.bagaimana cara kita sebagai siswa menghormati guru4.Sebautkan 2 contoh sikap disiplin di sekolah5.jelaskan apa yang yang dimaksud dengan lingkungan sehat beaulahbeattyulv – June 01, 2023
TI Apa peran berpikir komputasional dalam proses penyelesaian pekerjaan beaulahbeattyulv – April 05, 2023
PPKn apakah Abdul Kahar Muzakir mempunyai istri? dan siapa namanya? beaulahbeattyulv – April 05, 2023
Matematika Kuizz mm!! Halo kakak boleh bantu saya mengerjakan mm tapi kakak harus mengerjakan menggunakan garis bilangan juga tolong kerjakan nya dikertas dan di kertas itu ada berisi jawaban dan garis bilangan setiap soal .Tolong!! kerjakan semuanya ya kakakNanti ku jadiin JAWABN TERCEDAS ;)" Terimakasih kakak " beaulahbeattyulv – April 04, 2023
Ekonomi 2 contoh kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan masyarakat di negara singapura adalah ..... beaulahbeattyulv – April 02, 2023
Fisika Air yang ada di permukaan tanah dan tidak terserap kedalam tanah akan menjadi ..... beaulahbeattyulv – April 02, 2023